
Village Chardonnay 2021

Producer: Paul Cluver
Region: Elgin
Country: South Africa
Classification: AOC
Wine Type: White
Variety: Chardonnay
Bottle Size: 750 ml
Alcohol: 13%
Residual Sugar: 2.3 g/L
Soil: Predominantly Bokkeveld shale
Farming Practices: Farming for the future.
info@buyersandcellars.ca www.buyersandcellars.ca

Cellar Profile

This family-owned, family-run wine business is located approximately 70km southeast of Cape Town. The property has been owned by the Cluver Family – recognized as pioneers of wine in the area – since 1896. The focus here is on producing elegant wines that are expressive of the terroir. The cool Elgin Valley provides the ideal conditions for world-class Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. The wine business forms part of larger holistic farming business called ‘De Rust Estate’. In addition to the vineyards and cellar, there are apple and pear orchards, a Hereford stud and eco-tourism activities, including amphitheatre concerts on the farm. This 2000+ hectare estate forms part of the Kogelberg Biosphere, a UNESCO world heritage site. Half of the estate has been set aside for conservation into perpetuity.


Elgin is the coolest growing region in South Africa, with temperatures rarely rising above 30°C during the growing season. With only 800 ha. under vine, it is also one of the smallest and least planted, as the rocky terrain, cool temperatures and low rainfall make growing grapes a challenging endeavour. Sitting amongst the Hottentot-Holland mountain range, the soils are a mixture of sandstone, decomposed shale, gravel and clay. Due to the precipitous diurnal temperature drops, viticulturists have eschewed the traditional red Bordeaux varieties favoured throughout most of South Africa, planting instead delicate Pinot Noir and altitude-loving Syrah. The most widely-planted white is Sauvignon Blanc, but the future of the region lies in Chardonnay, with world class examples being crafted. Riesling plantings are increasing and showing tremendous promise. Elgin wines tend to be high in acidity, with evolved flavours, as the long hang times allow full phenol development.


The De Rust Estate vineyards of Paul Cluver Family Wines sit on an inland mountain plateau, nestled in the UNESCO Koelberg Biosphere Preserve. Rising between 400-660 masl, they are a mix of the famed Bokkeveld Shale (sandstone rich with invertebrate fossils, clay and loam) and Fericrete gravel (rich in iron oxides). Subject to early morning mists, cool evenings, low rainfall and long sunlight hours, yields are small but high in quality. The vineyards are farmed sustainably, without the use of pesticides and with as little human footprint as possible.


Chardonnay is the world’s most famous white-wine grape and also one of the most widely planted, with the most highly-regarded expressions coming from Burgundy and California. Climate plays a major role in dictating which fruit flavours a Chardonnay will have. Broadly speaking, warm regions such as California tend to give more tropical styles. While many Chardonnays have high aromatic complexity, this is usually due to winemaking techniques (particularly the use of oak) rather than the variety’s intrinsic qualities. Malolactic fermentation gives distinctive buttery aromas. Fermentation and/or maturation in oak barrels contributes notes of vanilla, smoke and hints of sweet spices such as clove and cinnamon. Extended lees contact while in barrel imparts biscuity, doughy flavours. In the Elgin Valley, Chardonnay offers typistic cool-climate notes, leaning more towards Chablis than Sonoma or Cote d’Or.


This wine is a blend of different Chardonnay clones from the Estate. It was fermented in a combination of 2500L oak foudres, stainless steel tank and small oak barrels. The tank fermented and large oak vat components were inoculated with selected strains of Burgundian yeast, while fermentation occurred naturally in the small oak barrels, without added yeast. A portion of the wine remained on the lees for 3 months and the rest for 6 months, ensuring the wine gains complexity. After tasting and blending trials, the wine was blended, stabilised, and prepared for bottling.

Tasting Notes 

This is a great expression of a lightly-oaked, cool-climate Chardonnay, bursting with notes of citrus, fresh granny smith and white peach and subtle hints of oak in the background. there is natural, fine and fresh acidity in the mouth, with a lingering aftertaste. The oak is apparent, but well-integrated with the fruit. Pair with baked brie with apples, fettucine alfredo or a roast chicken dinner.