
Aging Like a Fine Wine

Much like people, wine ages – it changes and evolves over time.  And just like people, some wines age better than others! What is it about wine that allows for its longevity? And why would we delay the satisfaction of opening any given bottle?  In the 1960s, a team of archaeologists undercovered six Neolithic clay […]

To de-stem or not de-stem? That is the question…

Prior to World War 2, almost all wine was made using whole-bunch, or whole-cluster, fermentation which (as the name suggests!) involves adding intact bunches or clusters of grapes to the fermenter. Shortly thereafter, commercial de-stemmers became widely available and winemaking methods throughout the world changed markedly forever.  Or did they… At harvest time, whole grape […]

Drinking Inside the Box (or can or pouch or…)

As the realities of climate change emerged, ‘sustainability’ became a ubiquitous term in nearly every industry.  While sustainability may be viewed by some as a more marketable buzzword than eco-responsibility, a great number of producers are committed to reducing wine’s impact on our environment. As a result, alternative wine packaging has become a focus and […]


Spread out over the tongue are papillae, which contain bud-shaped organs that detect taste. “Taste buds”, as we usually refer to them, are comprised of dozens of taste cells clumped together. The taste cells contain receptors for sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami substances. From these receptors, information is transmitted to the brain to record […]

We Love Fall

Football 🏈 Thanksgiving 🦃 Halloween 🎃 Pizza! Turkey! Candy! We love this time of year – great sleeping weather, splendid foliage and autumnal activities that never get old. Here’s a look at our some of our October traditions and favourite fall foods, as well as the wine styles to accompany them. Football Whether on your […]

Wine Body

You have likely heard someone talk about a wine they are enjoying as “light” or “lean”, “medium-bodied” or “bold and full”. These terms describe the body of a wine – its perceived weight and viscosity on your palate. To understand the concept better, think of milk: the difference between light- medium- and full-bodied wines would […]

Acidity & Wine

One of the most important but least appreciated elements in wine is acidity. Without it, wines would taste flabby and lifeless, ponderous and heavy on the palate and lack any kind of freshness or vivacity. The harmonious balance of fruit, sweetness and acidity — along with tannic structure in reds — makes for eminently enjoyable […]

Soil & Wine

Let’s Talk About Soil… With the arrival of Spring and a return to our gardens, it’s a great time to talk about dirt!  Or, to put it more elegantly, soil.  First and foremost, wine is a product of its environment.  The French call this ‘terroir’ and it refers to a ‘sense of place’ – the […]

Elevate Your Palate

In our April newsletter, we talked about soil, one of the many factors that affect a wine’s style and quality.  This month we look at another: elevation. The altitude at which a vineyard is planted has a drastic impact on both the grapes and the wines they produce.  Elevation affects climate — the temperature falls […]


Weingut Wechsler Sustainability has become an increasingly important concept within the global wine industry. However, it is all too often a misunderstood notion, with broad interpretations and diverse implications. It is typically used interchangeably with terms like organic, biodynamic and natural. While all three can be a part of sustainability, it encompasses much more, referring […]